On a whole, women are portrayed very poorly in the bible. First of all, very few women are mentioned in the bible, for the one's who are, they are virgins; pure and harmless or they are very provocative and portray themselves in an ill mannered way giving them a poor reputation. This creates a lot of feminist controversy due to the fact men are mentioned a lot more and have a much more powerful image, whereas women are seen as either really good or really bad. In 1 Corinthians 11:3 these views become apparent, the phrase "Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God..." is showing that men are superior to women and they have power of women. This is creating a particularly sexist view for women in the bible. Some of the reasoning behind this is that when the bible was put together, it was by men that they selected which passages would be put in. And for that reason, women were portrayed so poorly, giving a false image.
The passage of Esther 8 is an example of a good, pure woman mentioned in the bible. This passage explains Queen Esther seeking compassion from the King in order to overturn the attack on the Jews. Esther's actions result in the King rewriting the law, giving an alternative for his people. He writes "Look, I've given Esther everything Haman owned. And Haman himself my servants have impaled on the pole because he planned to attack the Jews. So you yourselves write the the Jew whatever you like in the name of the king". Her devotion to overturning the suffering portrays her as very compassionate, generous and as mentioned before; pure. This passage is a good representation of the very few mature, good women mentioned in the bible.
However, there are other women in the bible portrayed badly. An example of this is in Genesis 1-3, Eve disobeys God. He makes it clear that neither Eve nor Adam shall eat from the tree of knowledge. Eve is tempted by the serpent and she eats the fruit. This is known as original sin. This was the first sin committed and it was by a woman, this is one of the reasons women have such a poor representation now. It is seen as an inherited ability to sin, there was no suffering or death before Eve sinned, therefore many blame woman for this being the reason we have suffering in the universe now. St Augustine talks about this original sin in his book of confessions.
Some good points with relevant evidence - well done. You could have explored the implications of these portrayals of women in more detail. For example, what have the consequences been for the role of women within the Church?